

Why Should You Hire A Car Accident Attorney?

By: JML Law | July 27, 2018.
Why Should You Hire A Car Accident Attorney?

Many people go through it or have gone through it. Many have gotten into an accident. It’s a scary situation to be in. A lot of times it’s completely out of your control. A car may have rear-ended you. Now you have to deal with the aftermath. You don’t have to go through it all alone. Hiring a car accident attorney can make the whole process smoother. It can truly benefit you in the short run and in the long run. Car accident attorneys can help you understand time limits, they can deal with the insurance company, and calculate your damages.

Time Limits

Each state has a statute of limitations. This is basically a set period of time when you can bring a claim to court. An experienced attorney can inform you of the statute of limitations. If you’re injured, your statute of limitations is two years. For property damage, it is three years. If you’re planning on suing a government entity, for example, a public bus because they ran into you and caused an accident, then you only have 6 months to file. You may even forfeit your right to sue if you try to pursue it outside of the time limit. Car accident lawyers can help you make a claim in a timely manner that follows the statute of limitations.

Will deal with the insurance company

One of the most daunting things to deal with after a car accident is the insurance company. They want to pay as little as possible when it comes to your claim. They may even try to offer a fast settlement. However, this typically isn’t the best route. For example, your medical expenses may be more than you expected and the fast settlement may not have covered all of them. If you accept a fast settlement then you cannot go back to court to adjust your damage amounts. An attorney will have the knowledge on how to deal with the insurance company and can tell you what you really deserve.

Calculating Damages

When you get into an accident you may not know all the damages you could be awarded. You’ve heard of other people getting awarded in certain damages. A car accident attorney can determine which damages you may have available that is specific to you and your case. When you let them calculate the damages then it’s less likely to have mistakes. A car accident lawyer can also make a sum of non-economic expenses easier than you may be able to, such as pain and suffering. You may not have had any idea that you could receive damages for pain and suffering.

Plenty of accidents take place daily. This is not a situation you want to be in but unfortunately, you may have to go through it. When you get into an accident it scares you. It’s unfair, especially if it wasn’t your fault. You need someone to help lift the burden off of your shoulders. Trying to tackle this situation alone can be extremely difficult. You want someone who is not only an expert in car accidents but is used to dealing with them and your unique cases. You need someone who is attentive to your specific needs. You need someone with years of experience. JML Law, A Professional Law Corporation, has protected people like you for over 40 years. Call them today for a free consultation at 818-610-8800 or simply use this contact form.

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